Get Ready for Your Retinal Surgery

shutterstock_83473684The eyes have a vital function in our body — and a single problem can make or break this function. Retinal detachment involves the pulling away of the retina from the back of the eye and away from its layer of blood vessels. Once the retina is deprived of oxygen, the risk for vision loss increases, which is why retinal detachment should be immediately and properly addressed.

You don’t have to lose your vision to retinal detachment. What you need to do is consult an eye doctor and schedule your retinal surgery right away. To have a successful procedure, you need to cooperate with your doctor all throughout. Here’s what you can do to make your initial consultation as smooth as possible.

  • Ask your doctor for any pre-surgical restrictions. Prior to your retinal surgery, you may be asked by your doctor to follow certain instructions, such as not taking particular substances to keep you safe during the procedure.
  • Make a list of the symptoms you are experiencing. Your doctor will need this during his or her assessment of your condition. Include even the ones that seem unrelated to your condition.
  • Take note of all your medications. You may have to stop taking some of your medications, since they may cause complications during retinal surgery. Include the vitamins and supplements that you are currently taking as well.
  • Find someone to accompany you during your initial consultation. You may need the extra assistance in remembering every instruction that your doctor will provide you.
  • Jot down all of your questions beforehand. Make sure that you are aware of every aspect of the surgery by asking questions and letting your doctor answer each of them.

Retinal Surgery in Hawaii

Get your eye condition treated by the best team of eye doctors in Hawaii! Schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors here at Retina Consultants of Hawaii by calling 1-808-487-8928 today. We look forward to hearing from you!