EPIC: Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection (Eylea) for PolypoIdal Choroidal Vasculopathy with Hemorrhage or Exudation
In London at the EURETINA meeting on 9/13/14, Dr. Gregg Kokame, medical director of the Hawaii Macular and Retina Institute, released the results of the EPIC study, the world’s first prospective study of aflibercept use in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. The paper by Drs. Kokame, James C. Lai, and Raymond Wee, and Ryan Yanagihara BS was extremely well received, as this was the first public release of the 6 month results of this study, which showed a remarkable decrease in retinal pigment epithelial detachment in over 90% of cases, and an ability to go to bi-monthly treatment in 65% of cases. Dr. Kokame also presented the findings of his study on indocyanine green angiography guided OCT localization of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, showing that 99% of the time the PCV vessels are located between Bruch’s membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium. Thus polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy is not really in the choroid! Dr. Kokame previously presented the PEARL study in London at EURETINA, and this work was published in 2014 in Ophthalmologica, the retina journal European retina.