The 4th meeting of the year was held Thursday, November 7, 2013, presentations for the evening:
Dr. Gregg T. Kokame, Dr. John Drouilhet and Dr. Timothy Lee reflected upon and honored the life and accomplisments of friend and colleague Dr. Jorge Camara.
Dr. Gregg T. Kokame presented an interesting case of macular edema in a young healthy patient due to niacin maculopathy.
Dr. Malcolm Ing presented his research on the Stability of the Monofixation Syndrome, recently accepted for publication.
All presentations were well received by the group, the next meeting will be on February 6, 2014.
If you have a talk that you would like to present at an upcoming meeting, please email Jackie at the email address below or call
For more information regarding this upcoming meeting or if you would like to present something at the meeting, please contact Jackie Suiter @ (808) 380-8060 or